Old Yale Brewing

International Women's Day- History of Women in Craft Beer

International Women's Day- History of Women in Craft Beer

We have lots of thanks to give to the women in history that had a BIG influence on the industry we know and love so much today… Craft Beer! Without them, we couldn’t be sippin on our Sasquatch Stout’s, Knotty Blonde’s and all of the other favourite brews out there! Sooo, in honor of International Women’s Day and the AWESOME ladies that brought us Craft Beer, we’ve decided to dedicate this blog to the history of Women in the Craft Brewing Industry!

Pizza & Beer Pairings

Pizza & Beer Pairings

It’s National Pizza Day! Which means it’s time to get out there and cheese the day! Yup, you heard that right. Pizza has been given it’s very own day… Let’s be honest, if there’s any dish that deserves the spotlight, it has to be PIZZA! Around the 10th century, it’s believed that pizza originated from Naples, Italy… And since then have captured the hearts & stomachs of SO many cheesy disc lovers from all over the planet!

When it comes to celebrating a day revolving around pizza, the options are endless (just like the toppings)! Aside from trying to make the decision on what flavour to indulge in, it's also necessary to figure out what beer will pair best with it! So, we decided to put together a little Pizza & Beer Pairing guide for you to enjoy!

How to Gal-entine's Day with Old Yale Brewing

How to Gal-entine's Day with Old Yale Brewing

You know, a wise woman once said “ If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends”…and honestly we couldn’t agree more. There’s no one that deserves a little extra love on V-Day quite like your gal pal’s, and although quratine may be keeping us from celebrating in the usal way we’d like, there’s so many ways you can show those special ladies in your life just how much they mean to ya! Though, we don’t know about you, but we’re sure missing girls night’s watching the bachelor and eating copious amounts of food right about now. Sigh. But for the time being, we’ve put together a bomb list of what you can do for your girl gang this “ Gal-entine’s Day”!

Beer and Book Pairings

Beer and Book Pairings

Let’s be real, there’s two kinds of people in this world; those who read the book first and those who just wait until the movie comes out…and I’m sure we’ve all been both at some point. Buuuut no matter which one you identify as, there’s no denying how relaxing a good reading sesh can be- especially lake side, the sun shining, a ice cold beer in hand… Sorry we’re defs day dreaming right now as we sit in our offices.