Beer and Book Pairings

Let’s be real, there’s two kinds of people in this world; those who read the book first and those who just wait until the movie comes out…and I’m sure we’ve all been both at some point. Buuuut no matter which one you identify as, there’s no denying how relaxing a good reading sesh can be; especially lake side, the sun shining, an ice cold beer in hand… Sorry we’re defs day dreaming right now as we sit in our offices.

To spark the inner bookworm inside us all, we’ve put together a list of must-reads alongside the perfect Old Yale beer pairings! If any of these awesome books sound like your cup of tea (or can of beer whatever you like) check out The Book Man here in Chilliwack to stock up on all the good reads…


THE BOOK: Harry Potter Series by J.k Rowling

THE BEER: Himalayan Salted Caramel Porter

You simply cannot have a list of book and beer pairings without including the one, the only, Harry Potter (said doing a terrible Severus Snape impression)…

Whether you’re diving into your favourite one or going for the full series, the world of wizardry paired with Old Yale beer is the perfect way to set the magical mood for a cozy night in. And when it’s cozy, you know you gotta go for a deliciously creamy (and subtly salty) Himalayan Salted Caramel Porter... Making stellar beer like this one just happens to be our wizarding power. Butter Beer? Old news.


the book: The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton

the beer: Moon Dance Mango Wheat

This pairing is PERFECT for those of you who really, really miss travelling… we know we do!

This novel talks about pretty much eevverything about travelling even down to the airports, and the classic mini bars…you know, all the important stuff. Reading books like these really get us itchin’ to be frolicking on a beach somewhere or looking at some breathtaking views out of those tiny airplane windows…sigh.

We’ll set sail, hop on a plane or get in the car for a road trip again one day soon, but for now, crackin’ open a Moon Dance Mango Wheat and giving this book a read does juuust fine!


The book: Phenomenal by Leigh Ann Henion

The beer: Off Trail Pale Ale

A great read for all of you outdoor adventurers! Written from the POV of the author, Leigh Ann Henion, she heads out on a quest to see if she can see the world the way we did as kids once again.

From hunting migrating butterflies to exploring caves, this novel will bring out your childhood imagination and pairs perfectly with our refreshing Off Trail Pale Ale and all it’s hop-forward flavour…

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the book: The Great Gastby by F.Scott Fitzgerald

the beer: Knotty Blonde Ale

A classic read with a classic beer….

We’re sure at some point you were told to read The Great Gatsby back in English class or have already cheated and seen the movie (Leo!!)…but pairing a Knotty Blonde Ale while reading this crazy tale about the life and tragedies of Jay Gatsby will transport you to a whole new world! But don’t worry…unlike English class, we don’t expect a cited and well formed essay at the end. Those were the wooorst.

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The book: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

The beer: Sasquatch Stout

Coffee, chocolate annnddd mystery novels anyone??

Our mysterious Sasquatch Stout with notes notes of espresso and chocolate will put you in the perfect vibe for indulging in this novel. This book really has you thinking “who done it” right until the end…a must read and a must drink!

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the book: Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

the beer: West Coast IPA

Our deliciously hoppy West Coast IPA is the perfect brew to be paired with this inspiring book. This is the perfect read for anyone looking to get a little leadership knowledge in their life! This book will definitely get those wheels turning in your head soo we decided to pair this heavier read with our bold West Coast IPA to keep you feelin’ well…bold…


Ready to head over to the book store and get reading? We are!

PS. The Book Man also has this AWESOME feature on their website where you can request a book that you don’t see available in store and they’ll bring it in! Make sure you check ‘em out!

If you read any of these books or think you have the perfect Old Yale beer and book pairing, make sure to share with us at @Oldyalebrewing or with the hash tag #OldYaleBrewing

Happy Reading!