International Women's Day- History of Women in Craft Beer

Who run the world? Girls, duh… ‘Yonce told us. It’s no secret just how bad-ass the women in our lives are and how much ladies have changed history with epic inventions, ideas and just being their awesome selves! I mean hellooo, we wouldn’t be able to write our blogs today without the iconic Hedy Lamarr who helped create the technology that we know as modern day Wi-Fi! I mean seriously… let’s go girls. Killin’ it. That was also totally said in our best Shania Twain voice.

We have lots of thanks to give to the women in history that had a BIG influence on the industry we know and love so much today… Craft Beer! Without them, we couldn’t be sippin on our Sasquatch Stout’s, Knotty Blonde’s and all of the other favourite brews out there! Sooo, in honor of International Women’s Day and the AWESOME ladies that brought us Craft Beer, we’ve decided to dedicate this blog to the history of Women in the Craft Brewing Industry!

Where did it all begin?

The first evidence of the creation of beer dates all the way back to the ancient times in Mesopotamia, where Settlers started growing Barley for bread and the main event… BEER! This evidence dates back all the way to 10 000 MCE! Wonder what they called their brews back in the day… Pre Historic Pilsner? MCE IPA?? OH AND guess what? Most of the brewers back then were, you guessed it…Women! Woot woot!

Sumerian Women would brew low-alcohol content beer for ceremonies and their daily food rituals… Kinda like how we pick the perfect beer pairings for our Friday night dinners! Well, sorta the same thing. These ladies were looked up too and highly respected (as they should be!) since they served as Priestesses to the beer Goddess, Ninkasi! Sumerians believed Ninkasi watched over the brewing process (AKA their version of a Brewmaster). Ninkasi would offer beer to humans to preserve wealth and well being… so cool!


Next up: A Finnish legend tells about a woman named Kalevala who made beer by mixing honey and bear saliva

Hmm… should we write that one down? New beer inspo?? Vikings would only allow women to brew their “aul” (beer) that they would use to refresh themselves on their long journeys.

Hopin’ on over to Germany…

Nunneries would provide women shelter and a place to grow as Brewers and Botanists. A woman named St. Hildegard claimed herself as the person to introduce hops as a healing and persevering agent before it was brought into the mainstream world. Another interesting fact, Pilgrims would build their wives in-kitchen breweries so they could brew small batches of beer, supplemented with Cider which they would supply to their families… we want one!

At one point in history, towards the Middle Age’s, sadly it was illegal for women to brew. It was deemed as Witchcraft and not allowed. Women were skilled in brewing and healing and would make their brews in cauldrons… That’s probably where we get the modern term “Witches Brew” from! Now, we are soo lucky that we can just hop on over to our Tasting Room to grab a pint and don’t have to dodge from the law... amiright?


Craft Brewing for Women today!

Now jumping forward to more modern times… Well, guess we don’t have to tell you how loved craft beer is in todays society because, just like us, you’re already Craft Beer lovers! Craft Beer is enjoyed all over the world! In African countries, home brewing is very popular and recipes are passed down from Mothers to their daughters, then to their daughters daughters! A poll in 2015 showed that out of the 14 million people who enjoy sippin’ on a cold Craft Beer over the world- 6.6 million out of them were women! Considering until 1970 in Australia women weren’t allowed to step foot into a bar… Women have suuure come a long way!

Luckily, today there are TONS of opportunities in the craft brewing world for women to work and thrive! There are even organizations like “ Pink Boots” - a fully woman-ran organization provided to help encourage women and inspire them to launch their career’s in the booming industry of Craft Beer! So cool!

“The Pink Boots Society was created to assist, inspire and encourage women fermented/alcoholic beverage industry professionals to advance their careers through education.”- Pink Boots Society

Click here to learn about the Pink Boots Organization!

Pink boots.png

It’s pretty awesome that women are passionate and creative in the industry of Craft Brewing to this day! Since women are kinda the OG brewers after all… it’s meant to be! Now we don’t know about you, but we’re definitely spending the day thanking all of the wonderful women in our lives and reminding them just how much we appreciate them! Maybe even bring em’ on over to our Tasting Room for a celebratory beer and to say hey to all the awesome ladies that work there! And while you’re sippin’ on your beers today… make sure to thank women! After all, it is the reason Craft Beer is here today.

Cheers friends!