Recipe: Baked Feta Pasta


Love day is almost here friends…and to the people that forgot that it’s almost Valentine’s Day and are just remembering now because of this blog post…you’re welcome. If you’re a little slumped on what to do for that special person in your life to show how much you care about them, booooyyy, do we have the solution for you! Ladies and gents we present to you a delicious, to DIE for Baked Feta Cheese Pasta recipe !

You’ve probably seen this recipe buzzing around the internet for the past month or so and for good reason! Coming from us, this recipe is preeetty tasty & we consider ourselves pasta connoisseur’s. Mostly just the eating part not so much the actual making of pasta…Buuuut that’s the great thing about this recipe, it’s super easy prep and easy to make! The perfect V-Day surprise for your special someone, because nothing says love like a big ol’ bowl of pasta.


  • Cherry Tomatoes

  • 1 block of Feta Cheese

  • 2-3 tbs of Olive Oil

  • Pasta Noodles of your choice

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • Fresh Basil

  • 1 Chili Pepper

OPTIONAL: Italian seasoning & Salt and Pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grab your baking pan

  2. Cut Cherry Tomatoes in half (they can be left whole if you prefer) and add them to your cooking pan

  3. Take your block of Feta Cheese and place in middle of cooking pan and drizzle 2-3 tbs of olive oil over top of your Feta and Tomatoes. Make sure to flip the Feta cheese to make sure both sides are evenly coated in olive oil

  4. Dice up your Chili Pepper (avoid the seeds for less spice!!) and add sprinkle on top

    OPTIONAL STEP: Add your Italian seasoning or Salt and Pepper if you choose to add some extra seasoning!

  5. Add your fresh basil on top (you can chop them up of leave them whole) then place the pan in the oven for 40 minutes.

  6. While the Feta & Tomatoes are baking, boil your noodles and set them aside for later. You can use any noodles that you like for this recipe. We suggest fettucine or bow tie pasta for an instagram-able looking dish.

  7. After the timer goes off, take your baking dish out of the oven, grab a fork and start mashing the feta cheese while adding in your garlic cloves. Once you’ve mashed in the garlic, start pouring in your noodles.

  8. Mix, mix, mix until you get a creamy constancy. If you’re finding your pasta isn’t mixing the way you’d like, add a bit of cream or water to the mix.

  9. Grab some plates and serve your delicious Baked Feta Pasta.

OYB PRO TIP: Now of course with a great recipe, great beer is required! We suggest pairing this creamy pasta with a Cranberry Mandarin Orange Witbier. It’s a match made in heaven.

Cran mandarin.jpg

Happy Valentine's Day friends! Love is ALE we need…honestly, what’s a holiday with out a terrible pun. If you give this recipe a try, make sure you share with us @OldYaleBrewing or with the hash tag #OldYaleBrewing!
