An Exclusive Interview with OYB's Sasquatch

We’ll be honest, when Sasquatch asked us to set up his Instagram account for him about a month ago (he’s not super tech-savvy, and the whole massive and furry hand thing makes using his phone difficult) we were happy to give him a hand but we had no idea how much the fame would go to his head...

Let’s be clear, we’re happy for him, we are, and he’s still the same loveable Sasquatch he’s always been. But since he hit the big 5-0 with his followers on Instagram, he’s been… well… different. Maybe it’s that he keeps referring to himself as an ‘influencer’ and dragging (literally dragging) our team members out on extravagant trips to get pics for the ‘gram’, or that he keeps rolling into his shifts 5 hours late and taking midday naps on the job. I don’t know, it’s just rubbing some of us the wrong way.

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Anyway, when he suggested we needed to ‘give the people what they want’ and offer them a real inside scoop on the life of the Sasquatch, we were a little apprehensive… but hey, the guy gave us the Best Beer in Canada in 2014 and BC’s Best Stout in 2019 so, we could at least give him this, right? So, here it is, an exclusive interview with the face behind our Sasquatch Stout - @SasquatchOYB himself!


OYB: First things first, how did you become the ‘Director of Hoperations’ at Old Yale Brewing?

Sasquatch: Well when the OYB team decided it was time to brew an exceptional Stout they got word of the fact that Sasquatch’s love dark beers (it’s true it’s just in our nature… see what I did there?). A group of them found me out camping at… well let’s just say an “undisclosed location” with my good pal Yeti and they offered to bring me on board as an advisor, the rest is history! 


OYB: People have described you as elusive and hard to photograph, what’s the reason for this?

Sasquatch: I know my online persona is pretty gregarious but I’m actually pretty shy. I guess when you’re 7 ft tall and covered head to toe with hair you tend to freak people out a bit so I’ve kept my distance (which is definitely coming in handy right now, wouldn’t you say?). That is until I met my OYB #fam, those guys are great and they love me just how I am - shout out to the homies!

OYB: What’s your favourite beer?

Sasquatch: Obviously Sasquatch Stout. But I will let you in on a little secret… OYB has been brewing up some preeeetty delicious fruity beers just in time for Summer, and recently I’ve been enjoying putting my feet up at the end of the day and sipping on a pint of Gin Fizz Citrus Sour or Poolside Peach Tea Radler. Just don’t tell Yeti I said that, he doesn’t think fruity beers are cool. Gotta protect the #rep.

OYB: What’s your favourite food?

Sasquatch: The Campfire Kitchen’s Deep Fried Pickles ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. Literally though. With my size, I have to eat at least 30 pounds of food a day and that’s a lot of pickles. Oh and the S’mores to Explore when it’s my “cheat day”. Those just so happen to pair perfectly with my Stout.


OYB: Okay, let’s try a lighting round of rapid fire questions… ready?

Sasquatch: I was born ready, baby.


OYB: Favourite song?

Sasquatch: Wild Thang by Tone-Loc

OYB: Favourite movie?

Sasquatch: You’ve got Mail… uhhh I mean, The Legend of Bigfoot

OYB: Coffee or tea?

Sasquatch: Is that a real question? There’s no tea flavour profile in my Stout.

OYB: Last Halloween costume?

Sasquatch: Last year, I went as a Devilfish, what a throwback right?

OYB: Favourite ice cream flavour?

Sasquatch: Vanilla! It pairs the best with my Stout.

OYB: Salty or sweet?

Sasquatch: Sweet, obvi.

OYB: Current whereabouts?

Sasquatch: Nice try buddy.


OYB: What would you say to people who say you don’t exist?

Sasquatch: I mean the proof is in the pudding just go check out my Instagram page @sasquatchoyb. 

OYB: What’s your secret to making the best beer in Canada?

Sasquatch: Love… well that, chocolate, coffee and a little mystery 😉

OYB: And we can’t end this interview without asking the question on everyone’s mind. You created a Tinder profile this past February, leading up to Valentine’s Day. We shared it on our social media channels and since then, everyone (…literally no one) has been asking, did Sasquatch find love?

Sasquatch: You know in the beginning I was pretty upset that you guys shared my love life on social, but that’s sort of how this whole @SasquatchOYB influencer status came to be, so I kind of owe you a thank you. But to answer your question, Tinder didn’t really pan out how I had hoped. So, still single and ready to mingle, waiting for that special someone to slide into my DM’s.

OYB: Any last words or messages you want share as we wrap this up?

Sasquatch: Just want to say, thanks to the fans. Remember to like and subscribe and hit that follow button on Instagram. Probably gonna join TikTok pretty soon, so watch out for that too. Thanks friends!

Well folks, there ya have it, Sasquatch isn’t so dark and mysterious after all! Go give him a follow (@sasquatchoyb) to see what he’s up to, it really means a lot to him, even if it does go to his head. 
