Another Exclusive Interview with OYB'S Sasquatch

You know him, you love him, he love’s the attention….ladies and gentlemen it’s time to check in with OYB’S very own…@SasquatchOYB!! The self proclaimed “influencer” has has a taste of fame over these past few months and it’s safe to say it’s gotten to his head even more than before. As we speak the big guy is probably lounging feet up at one of our desk’s sippin’ on his afternoon Stout which he refers to as his daily “juice cleanse”. He learned that word online and we don’t think he really knows what it means but we’re too scared to correct him. He’s a major diva.

Without further adieu, here is the latest scoop with @SasquatchOYB!

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OYB: So, how’s it been in your private life now that you have such a strong presence on social media? Do you get much privacy?

Sasquatch: Well, since I’m used to keeping my whereabouts on the DL, hiding from a few paps here and there is no big deal. And trust me, there’s been lots of paparazzi tryna get photo’s all up in my good angle’s.I do like the chase though…sort of a rush. But,they’ve yet to catch me so I dunno what to say, maybe try harder next time?

OYB: How do you prepare for the regular photoshoots here at Old Yale Brewing?

Sasquatch: Since I am the face of the company it is important I keep myself looking my best. Weekly fur and nail trims at the salon, I lift Sasquatch Stout kegs (50 pounders!) pretty much every day, to keep my bod in tip top shape aand I’ve been pretty good at picking some of the healthier OYB menu items for my meals like the Cauliflower Carnitas instead of my usual 25 orders of deep fried pickles. I’ve also been dabbling in meditation and I recite my personal affirmations in the mirror every morning to remind myself I am in fact THE Sasquatch. You know what they say, a sound soul lives within a sound body and mind #selfcare.

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OYB: We know your favourite beer is of course your Sasquatch Stout…but we’re curious which beers were your favourite from 2020 other than your award-winning fave?

Sasquatch: As I’ve said before, Sasquatch’s love dark beers BUT I would have to say the Mango Hibiscus Hazy IPA…Shocking right? I’ve turned into a bit of a foodie since I’ve started my influencer career so I’ve been waaay more open to trying new things. But,that being said, I’ll always stick to my roots and opt for a Stout or Porter…helps me stay #humble. Never forget where you came from ‘yo.

What are your goals for 2021?

Sasquatch: Well, since I’ve already surpassed 250 follower’s I don’t think it’s too lofty of me to aim for Instagram verification next. I’ll probably have to allow those paparazzis to get a few snaps of me out and about to get some more social clout though. This whole posting on a regular basis myself is getting tiring so, may as well allow some candid photos of me to bless the internet. But, for now I’m going with the whole I couldn’t care less vibe. Not caring is the new caring ya know.

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OYB: Last time we interviewed you we did a round of “rapid fire”…you wanna play again?

Sasquatch: Let’s do it!


 OYB: What’s your go-to quarantine activity?

Sasquatch: Workin’ out my bod, brewing beers & meditation.

 OYB: Who’s your ride or die?

Sasquatch: My good pal Yeti…I should call him. We’ve been distanced ever since I’ve been thrusted into this crazy world of fame.

 OYB: Any one special in your life for this upcoming Valentine’s Day?

Sasquatch: I don’t kiss and tell😉 Well If I did kiss I wouldn’t tell. What I’m trying to say is I haven’t been kissing. No… I have no one special. Just me, myself, a Stout and the great outdoors.

 OYB: Summer sports or Winter Sports?

Sasquatch: Winter, duh! I’m all about shredding that crunchy pow.

Favourite novel genre?

Sasquatch: Mystery obvi.

 OYB: Favourite TV Show?

Sasquatch: The Bachelorette… OOH and Bridgerton, I am living for the Duke, amiright??

 Oyb: Pepsi or Coke?

Sasquatch: Pepsi.

 Oyb: Stout or Mango?

Sasquatch: Nice try there, bud. Stout forever.

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OYB: Any last words or messages you want to share as we wrap this thing up?

Sasquatch: As always, gotta shout out those fans. I do it for you… and the status, but mostly for you guys. Remember as always to like and subscribe and hit that follow button Instagram.