Parking Lot Party... for One

No this isn’t a rip off of the Shania Twain classic “Party for Two”… it’s a guide to throwing an EPIC Old Yale party for one… ready??

Normally during this time of year we would be in the middle of organizing and announcing one of our SUPER SICK Parking Lot Parties....However, with the “c” word still hanging about, we can’t really do that just yet. So, we thought this would be a great time to post our SUPER secret formula for crafting the perfect Parking Lot Party…for One… or two, maybe up to 6 soon? Let’s not get too crazy now.


An event this SUPER SICK requires some planning ahead of time. Below, we’ve listed some of the steps you’ll need to take before the event to ensure that it goes off without a hitch.

First off, you’re going to need to secure a location. Being a “Parking Lot Party”, the obvious locations would be your backyard or driveway, but considering we don’t all live on a couple of acres (wish we did), you might end up hosting this bad boy in your living room, kitchen, bathroom? But hey, no judgements. A good party is a good party. Location: Check.

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Step two, the event layout. We’re talking tables, we’re talking chairs, we’re talking tents, WAIT… this is a Parking Lot Party for One. Just a patio chair should do it… and maybe a table, if you have it in the budget. Layout: Check.

Next up, is keeping this party secure. You’ll need to hire security. This is very important since you never know who’s going to show up uninvited and try to crash your Parking Lot Party for One. We highly recommend putting a pair of aviator sunglasses on your 8-year-old, along with a fake mustache, and placing them at the end of your driveway. Security: Check.

Your fourth task is quite possibly the most important task… you’ll need to hire some entertainment. We always like to go with our extremely talented local musicians, and YOU CAN TOO! Just head on over to our Facebook Page where you’ll find plenty of Back Porch Music Series videos to choose from! Then, all you have to do is blast your music just loud enough to make your neighbours jealous that they weren’t invited to your party, but not so loud that they call in a noise complaint or that you have a security breach. Music: Check.

The next step is VERY important. STOCK UP ON BEER. When hosting a prestigious event such as this, you always want to play it safe and order WAY more beer than you think you need. Head over to our website at and choose from our delicious selection of premium craft beers! Beer: Check.

Woohoo! It’s now the day of your Parking Lot Party! Before you celebrate there’s a few Old Yale tips and tricks we should talk about. 

First, DO NOT FORGET to tip your bartenders, or as we like to call them beer-tenders! They’ll be working super hard to make your event a success and deserve a little extra something… just to clarify, YOU are the bartender. Along with being the bartender, you are also the Campfire Kitchen Head Chef! This means you must prepare the most delicious, artisanal smokie… in this case, you might have to settle with whatever you have in your fridge. Bologna sandwich, anyone? YOU are also the Event Logistics Coordinator, don’t forget your clipboard.

It wouldn’t be a Parking Lot Party without some outdoor games! Here at Old Yale, we suggest a good old game of Molkky, Cornhole or Giant Jenga, but if all you have in Solitaire...then, Solitaire it is! Yay…

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Finally, don't forget to finish the night off with an Old Yale Campfire Kitchen classic... S’mores! AND, since this is a party for one, you don’t have to share with anyone! YASSS! Eat all the s’mores that your little heart desires. 

Oh, and don’t forget to wash it all down with a nice, crisp, cold, social-distancing safe Old Yale Brewing beer! After all that planning, you deserve it friend, cheers!