Old Yale Brewing's Guide to Quarantine

Quarantine restrictions may be easing slightly out here in BC, and we are RUNNING to our select 6 pals to have a socially distanced hang as often as we can, BUT a lot of us are still spending more time at home than we usually would. And after spending 4ish months in self-isolation, we feel like we’re basically experts at quarantine. This video sums it up pretty well.

As you can tell we’ve got a preeeetty solid routine going and since the experts are talking a lot about how important a routine is during self-isolation, we thought we’d provide you with some steps we take to have a successful day in quarantine, Old Yale style. And yes, it involves a lot of beer…

  1. Set our alarm for 8 am but hit snooze (100+ times?) until rolling out of bed at 11:00 am.

  2. Stare longingly at @oldyalebrewing’s recent posts and dream about being back in the tasting room with our pals… OH WAIT, WE NOW CAN. Our tasting room has opened up and we’ve got a preeeettty sweet patio awaiting you. Here’s more information.

  3. Always get dressed when you wake up… into your daytime pyjamas 

  4. Put on Old Yale Brewing’s Local Love Playlist and reminisce about listening to your favourite local artists LIVE in the tasting room.

  5. At some point sit down at your desk (or couch or makeshift counter desk) to do some work with a cup of coffee (but we go for a beer if it’s Friday! Or Thursday… or Wednesday. Don’t judge!)

  6. Deep clean your entire house for the fifth time this week while your pets (or children) stare at you in disbelief.

  7. Check on the yard and garden, yup… basically the same as yesterday. If you need some gardening inspo, check out our How to Garden with Old Yale Brewing blog post.

  8. Go to the fridge and get food! This generally happens 3 to… 100 times a day.

  9. Check-in with your loved ones over FaceTime! 

  10. Stare out the window waiting for your Old Yale order to come, and scream with joy when you see the truck pull up.

  11. Be asked 3 times in one sitting “are you still watching" by Netflix. YES. The answer is always YES. We put a Netflix and Beer pairing guide together for exactly this, check it out.

  12. Daily Happy Hour! This used to be around 5 o’clock but it’s officially been moved up to about 3. 

  13. Contemplate cutting your own hair. Maybe you do it? Maybe it looks a little crazy. And then order an Old Yale Brewing hat from our online store.

  14. Do some of that self-care stuff everyone’s talking about but swap out lemon water for beer.

  15. Look back at all you accomplished that day and celebrate… with a beer.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up! Looking for some ideas to keep you going? Since we’ve got a little extra time on our hands, we’ve put together some fun, educational and just downright weird blogs for you to enjoy in our ‘Quarantine Collection’ check ‘em out here.