Trails to Blaze: Mt. Thom

Mt. Thom is one of our absolute favourite hikes in Chilliwack at Old Yale Brewing, not just because it’s only about 15 minutes from our Brewery but because of that view… if you know, you know… and if you don’t know then that’s why you’re here!

Here’s everything you need to know…

Hiking Stats

Difficulty: Intermediate

Time: 2 hours

Round-Trip: 10km

Elevation Gain: 375 meters

Season: May - October

Dog Friendly: Yes

Getting there

You can find this steep hike in the Promontory neighborhood of Chilliwack. There are two options for hiking, including parking at the Sylvan Drive trailhead and completing the entire trail to the top. This one is popular with those looking for a longer hike and to get that heart rate going. The other, more family-friendly option is to park near the top of the mountain along Churchill Parkway and do the shorter Lookout Loop. Both options result in that one-of-a-kind view…. more on that view later!

Longer Route

From the Sylvan Drive, you’ll take the wood stairs along the creek and residential area, only a few minutes into the park area and on the gravel trail, you’ll reach the trail junction. Once you get there, turn left, and follow this trail. As you continue to follow this trail, it will take you through a series of short switchbacks, before taking you on a long straight stretch that wraps around the mountain. You’ll then come across a series of steep stairs, followed by another long straight stretch which eventually leads to a nice bench where you can catch your breath! While this trail is mostly uphill, there are several short ups and downs along the way. As you continue to follow this narrow path, you will eventually reach a junction with the Lookout Loop Trail. After turning right, another 10-15 minutes along this path will take you to the final viewpoint at the top of Mt. Thom!

Lookout Loop Hike

This view can also be accessed by completing the shorter loop. By parking near the top of the mountain along Churchill Parkway, you can follow a short trail that quickly meets up with the Lookout Loop Trail. Follow the trail down the steep hill and continue on this path, and if you pass a trail for horseback riders, you’re going the right way! Soon after this, you’ll reach a junction with the Lookout Loop Trail. With this route being roughly only 20 minutes from the parking lot to the lookout, it can easily done as a family in about 45 minutes (round trip).

The View

The reward we’ve all been waiting for, that view that takes your breath away just like that steep, steep… STEEEP jaunt up. The scenic and pristine view shows the ENTIRE Fraser Valley region, showcasing Cultus Lake and Chilliwack in all their glory.

Beers After

The best part about blazing new trails is knowing you the refreshing beers you enjoyed after are WELL deserved. Mt. Thom is short and sweet but oh so steep, so we recommend enjoying our Poolside Peach Tea Radler as your “reward”. All the full flavours of an iced tea with just a hint of sweetness makes this the PERFECT after hike beer.

If you’re looking for something a little more hop forward to treat yo’ self with, like the video above shows, our perfectly balanced and refreshing Off Trail Pale Ale should hit the spot just right!

There you have it, everything you need to know about Mt. Thom.

It’s time to blaze this trail, friends!!