Trails to Blaze: Abby Grind

The beloved Abby Grind is an old Abbotsford gem that is sure to take your breath away! (seriously, this hike is STEEP!) Although it’s not as tough as the Grouse Grind, it’s still a stellar workout and will get your blood pumping!

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Here’s everything you need to know…

Hiking Stats

Difficulty: Intermediate

Time: 2 hours

Round-Trip: 10km

Elevation Gain: 375 meters

Season: May - October

Dog Friendly: Yes

Getting there

This hike is located in East Abbotsford, just off of Highway #1 near the Whatcom Exit. Once you arrive in the gravel lot, the hike begins to the right of the bushes. The base of the trail is also located near the Abbotsford Fish & Game Club, so don’t be alarmed if you hear some gunshots from the target range!

the trail

The hike begins on a steep note, as it immediately starts climbing uphill, but don’t worry - the path will widen and become slightly easier than the first section. Shortly after this section, you’ll reach a sign that let’s you know you’ve made it 1/4 of your way! YAY! As you continue along the path you will reach the steepest point of the hike around the 1/2 point, but keep pushing through until the trail levels out and you have some space to catch your breath! As you continue along the trail to the 3/4 mark, you’ll be given an option to go left or right. Left will take you on a bit of a longer trail, but not as steep. Right will take you on a shorter trial, but much more steep. We recommend that you choose the steeper path up, then return down the less steep route, since it’s easier to come down.

Soon after, you’ll reach a marked area that has Taggart Peak to the left, and the viewpoint on the right. Continue right on a short walk up to the Abby Grind Lookout. To get back down, just follow the path back towards the forest and go straight towards the alternative trail that was less steep to begin your descent down.

The View

The best part of every hike is the view, am I right?!?! This view it totally worth that steep, uphill grind that it took to get there. You’ll have a gorgeous view over all of Abbotsford and the valley below.

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celebration beers

What better beer to pair with this adventure than the Raspberry Lemon Berliner Weisse? After all, Abbotsford IS the Raspberry capital of Canada!! This sour beer is refreshing and crisp, making it the perfect way to celebrate after blazing through this trail!!

Another solid alternative to the Raspberry Lemon Berliner Weisse would be the Fraser Valley Lager. After taking in the breathtaking views from the peak of the Grind, this lager is sure quench your thirst! This smooth and easy drinking beer is filled with the highest quality fresh ingredients, making it a great choice!

There you have it friends, you’re all set to take on the Abby Grind! All you need now is some awesome beer handy to celebrate when you’ve blazed this trail!!