The History of St. Patrick and the Stout

St. Patrick’s Day is approaching us which means it's time to jump into those beer-drinking stretchy pants & rock your favourite festive tee!

When we think of St. Paddy’s Day, most people think of beer. I mean, the two go hand in hand… But why?? Well, we decided to crack a cold one, put on our lucky shamrock socks, and get diggin’ for that pot of GOLD (aka information) to share with you!

We suggest you grab a tasty beer (our Irish Cream Imperial Stout sounds fitting…) and read on!

have you ever wondered… Who was saint patrick?

Let’s dive into how this great beer sippin’ day came to be! After all, who doesn’t love a good 5th century backstory!? And if you didn’t already know, St. Patrick’s Day is based on a man named… well you probably guessed it… Saint Patrick!

St. Patrick was actually not Irish at all… he was born in Britain! He made his way over to Ireland and shared Christianity with the Irish people, which turned out to be a great success. He became a well-respected priest who established monasteries, churches & schools. When he passed away on March.17th, 461 A.D, he became a patron saint of Ireland. This day traditionally began as a religious feast to honor the life of Saint Patrick, where Lenten food & alcohol restrictions were temporarily lifted for the day (makes sense why drinking is connected to this holiday)!

modern Day celebrations

Over time, the holiday evolved quite a bit since the 5th century! Even though this day is still a religious celebration to many, it has grown into more of a celebration of Irish Culture, traditions & festivities (and all things GREEN…) that are celebrated by people all over the globe. You definitely don’t have to be Irish or religious to celebrate this special day! All you need is an appreciation of Irish Culture, some awesome peeps to celebrate with, and of course some incredible sippin’ choices…. We recommend OYB BEER!

St. Patrick’s Day & Stout

Now that we solved the mystery behind why drinking is a thing on St. Paddy’s Day, why beer specifically?! Well, because beer is awesome of course (DUHHH), but there’s a little more to it than that. Beer has been around for millennia (since around 4,000 BCE to be exact). Soooo, it’s no wonder why this liquid sunshine has been the ultimate drinking choice of all time. Beer also happens to be the most popular alcoholic beverage in Ireland! And what is the most popular style of beer in Ireland you might ask? It’s… (drumrollllllll)… A dark & delicious STOUT of course!!

Why our Irish Cream Imperial Stout should be your go-to St. Paddy’s day beer choice…

Well for one, our Irish Cream Imperial Stout basically screams “DRINK ME ON ST. PADDY’S DAY” just from the name itself. Secondly, the Irish Cream!!!! Have you ever tried this delicious treat in your coffee or just own its own? It’s a cream liqueur based on Irish whiskey. We decided to add this liquid gold into our Irish Cream Imperial Stout for your drinking pleasure! Last but not least, what’s the “Imperial” all about?? Our stout as you know and love is what’s called an “Imperial Stout”. An Imperial Stout is a darker/stronger and bolder beer with higher alcohol content and is one of the darkest beer styles available. Our 8% can of deliciousness gives you all the soul-warming feels. Now, can you name a more perfect beer for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations??

It’s safe to say that our Irish Cream Imperial Stout is the silky, luscious brew you’ve been searching for… The gold at the end of the rainbow kinda beer.

If you’re looking for something less sweet but equally tasty, we’ve got you covered with our Sasquatch Stout! This dreamy brew is smooth with notes of Chocolate, Espresso, and dark roasted malts!!

So what do ya think friends? Feeling in the St. Paddy’s Day spirit and love stouts as much as we do? Put on your favourite festive tee and come join us in the Tasting Room for a pint or two!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everybody!