Team OYB Health & Wellness

Friends! The COVID-19 Pandemic has certainly made an incredible impact on all of our lives… with constant handwashing, social distancing, quarantine and even isolation becoming a part of our every day life (for good reason of course!), but one thing that doesn’t seem to get talked about enough is the importance of self-care, healthy eating, exercise and sleep. All of these have an enormous impact on our quality of life as well as our ability to stay healthy during this Pandemic and Flu & Cold Season. Given this, we’ve recently implemented a pretty cool Health & Wellness Program for Team OYB that we wanted to share with you all…


This program includes quite a few awesome pieces, listed below:

+ WELLNESS CRATES – We put together some pretty awesome crates for Team OYB that include a variety of items to help boost their immune systems and keep them feeling healthy and well. These crates include: Fits Bits, Big Old Yale Water Bottles, Vitamins, produce from Local Harvest, Luna Float gift cards, Oxygen Yoga & Fitness gift cards, Kliewer Kraut Sauerkraut, books, Habit Juice Project juice, immunity tea, a reusable tote bag, healthy tips, healthy recipes and some awesome deals from local businesses (see below!)

+ HEALTHY EATING – To encourage our team to eat healthier, we’ve set up some snacking stations throughout our offices with items like nuts, dried apricot, frozen Klassen Farms blueberries and more! We also set up a Smoothie Station so that our Team can make delicious and healthy smoothies at work with local produce. We’ve also now have Royals Kombucha on tap in our offices for our Team to enjoy! OH AND, our new Campfire Kitchen menu now has some delicious healthy options (you’ve gotta come check it out!) and since a lot of our Team end up eating their meals at OYB during work, we’ve now set it up so that they can purchase these items at our cost.

+ ACTIVITIES – In case you haven’t noticed, we LOVE the outdoors at Old Yale, not just because we’re adventure seekers but also because getting outside with fresh air and getting active is good for you!! So, with that, we’ve been encouraging our Team to organize opportunities to get active outside in their small groups with activities like walking the rotary trail and hiking Mt. Thom… Quite a few of our teams have already started to take advantage of these and we can’t wait to see more of them! We’re also going to organize some Team yoga sessions on our patio (when we’re not open and the weather permits) led by our awesome Tasting Room Supervisor, Jen! We’re also going to use the Fit Bits in our Wellness Crate to create some fun (and friendly) competitions with some great incentives for our Team, tracking our steps, water intake and hours of sleep!

AND beyond some of these awesome pieces, we’ve also partnered up with our friends at Luna Float, Habit Juice Project and Local Food Supply to offer our teams some great discounts to help them continue to live a healthier lifestyle!

OKAY, okay, we know this might be a bit of a #humblebrag for Team OYB, BUT we wanted to share this program with you in hopes that it will inspire you to consider your own immune system and health during this Pandemic, Cold & Flu season and beyond…

Check out the video below of our Managing Partner, Zach, sharing more about this awesome program!