Recipe: Snowball Stout Cookies


The Holiday season is here and nothing gets us in the spirit quite like fresh home baked goodies! Better yet, goodies made with, you guessed it, BEER ! Yumm. This deliciously decadent cookie recipe features our bold, creamy Sasquatch Stout, Candy Cane and Cocoa making it the perfect treat to get anyone in the holiday vibe.

Whether you’re prepping for the arrival of Santa or just needing to satisfy your own cookie craving, this recipe sleighs.


  • 1 cup flour

  • 1/4 cup cocoa

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp espresso powder

  • 1/4 granulated sugar

  • 12 ounces of good quality dark chocolate ( around 60% cocoa)

  • 4tbs unsalted butter ( cut into cubes )

  • 2tbs vegetable oil

  • 7 oz of Sasquatch Stout

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 5-6 Candy Canes


  • In a bowl add the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, espresso powder, and sugar, mix until well combined. Place to the side for later.

  • Combine the butter, oil and chocolate together in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for about 20 seconds, repeating if necessary. Make sure to not overheat or the chocolate will become stiff and unusable! After the chocolate is melted to perfection, slowly add the Sasquatch Stout and stir.

  • Add your eggs to the chocolate and stir, stir, stir ‘til they’re blended.

  • Combine your wet and dry ingredients and stir some more making sure they’re mixed well! You may notice some lumps which is totally fine!

  • Cover your dough with cling wrap and let set in the fridge overnight for best results! If you can’t wait that long to try your yummy cookies, 3 hours in the minimum setting time ( the longer they set the better!!)

  • Once your dough is set, preheat oven to 350 & pour your icing sugar into a side bowl

  • Use an ice cream scoop to create dough balls about the size of a golf ball. Roll em’ in your hands to create a ball then dunk them in your icing sugar

  • Grab your trusty cookie sheet and line with parchment paper

  • Add your dough balls to the cookie sheet

  • Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes ( start with 8 minutes and add time if needed) These cookies are supposed to stay very moist, so keep checking to make sure they’re not over baked! Over baking these guys will result in crumbly dry snowballs

  • Once cookies are done, take out of the oven and let cool for a bit

  • Once they are cooled down enough to touch, use your thumb to create circular dents on top of the cookies

  • Crush up your candy canes ( we suggest placing the candy cane in a Ziploc bag and just going to town- it’s satisfying) Once the candy canes are all crushed up, fill the holes on top with as many candy canes as needed

  • For extra snow ball effect, grab a sifter and your icing sugar and make it snow on top of your snowballs, then serve and enjoy! Happy Holiday baking!