Local Music & Beer Pairings

For many of us, we’ve been spending a lot (A LOT) more time at home for the last little while, and one of our favourite perks about working from home, aside from wearing sweatpants all day, is blasting your favourite tunes without Karen from HR coming in and telling you to cool it. And the best part is, there are TONS of incredibly talented musicians right here in the Fraser Valley, so we put together a little Spotify playlist of some of our favourites to get us through the day.

We’ve found that being serenaded by our favourite local musicians goes especially well with locally crafted beer (surprise, surprise). And there are certain songs that pair ESPECIALLY well with particular beers, for example, you can’t just go about listening to Johnny Cash sing about whiskey and hard times while sipping on a Berry Sour can you!? No, you absolutely cannot. The act of perfectly pairing a song to a beer to enhance you’re listening experience is an ART. Okay we might be coming on a little strong here, and you can listen to whatever you want while drinking whatever you like. But if you want it to be SUPER AWESOME, then you should take our advice. Here are our recommended beer pairings for some of our favourite songs from our Local Love Spotify Playlist.


West Coast IPA - Where the River Meets the Sky, Cody Jackson

When you can’t go out and celebrate the west coast by climbing mountains, rafting wild rivers or going camping for the weekend, sometimes you gotta bring the wild west coast to your living room. For this, we suggest sipping on our west coast inspired IPA while listening to Cody Jackson sing about this beautiful place we call home.

Off Trail Pale Ale - Howlin’, Johnny Bootleg

This wild song about running off and howlin’ at the moon basically sums up the feeling we have when reaching for an Off Trail Pale Ale. ESPECIALLY these days. Get. Me. Outside.

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Himalayan Salted Caramel Porter - The Ballad of Jesse James, North Country Gentlemen

Times are weird. And sometimes you just gotta just feel some feelings, ok? This haunting melody paired with this rich, dark and delicious brew will have you feeling it alllll.

Knotty Blonde Ale - Amelia, Kyler Pierce

Okay, now that you’ve felt the feelings, it’s time to lighten things up with a clean and crisp beer and a tune by our buddy Kyler Pierce. The only thing that feels appropriate to pair with our beloved Knotty Blonde Ale is a love song because we feel VERY strongly towards this brew. This song is perfect.


Moon Dance Mango Wheat - Bad Love, Antonio Larosa

The combination of our Moon Dance Mango Wheat and this Antonio Larosa song will have you dancing around your kitchen using your hairbrush as a microphone Tom Cruise style. At least that’s what we heard from “a friend”…

Head Shaker Honey Lager - Ain’t My Style, Ivan Hartle

If you sip on a Head Shaker Honey Lager while listening to Ivan Hartle sing the blues you will find yourself subconsciously tappin’ your shoe and shakin’ your head to the beat (well more like bopping…but, you see what we did there, right?)


Sasquatch Stout - Give me Thunder, Ben Cottrill

Picture this: a dark and stormy night, huddled by the fire with a tall glass of our dark and robust Sasquatch Stout listening to this gritty acoustic-rock tune. Pretty nice, right?

Poolside Peach Tea Radler - Hold on Love, Ryan McAllister

For the sunnier days, THIS is the combo you need. This song reminds us of days spent swimming at the lake with the sun shining down on us *sigh*, and our Poolside Peach Tea Radler tastes especially good near a large body of water (even if that’s your bathtub…)


Raspberry Lemon Berliner Weisse - Remedy, Harma White

Our refreshing and crisp Raspberry Lemon Berliner Weisse is basically our remedy to any bummed out feels we have. And so is Harma White so, turn to this when you need a little pick me up.

Black Currant Ginger Sour - Flowers on the Moon, Tobacco Brown

Grooving to this sweet little tune while sipping on our subtly sweet and tart Black Current Ginger sour will have you feeling all kinds of wonderful. Warning: you may find yourself shimmying and bopping around your house uncontrollably.


Ancient Grain Belgian Saison - Cookie Jar, Andrew Christopher

Okay this song might not *actually* be about literal cookies, but our Ancient Grain Belgian Saison is made in partnership with our friends at Anita’s Organic Mill who make KILLER cookies and this song is also KILLER. So, it works!

Can’t get enough of these talented local musicians? I know, same. That’s why we have our Back Porch Music Series live on our Facebook page every week featuring some of our favourite local musicians. Stop on by and have a virtual drink with us!