Craft Beer 101: At Home Tour & Tasting

As seen on Instagram and requested oh so many times (… no one requested this), we’ve created a how-to guide for hosting your own “At Home Tour & Tasting”…

Just cause you’re stuck at home, doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun AND learn something while you’re at it! Follow along friends…

FIRST STOP: Kitchen paired with Moon Dance Mango Wheat

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Location: Kitchen

Beer: Moon Dance Mango Wheat

ABV: 5.0%

Hops: Hersbrucker

Malts: Wheat, Pilsen

Colour: Mango

Pull up a stool to your kitchen island or lean against your counter and enjoy the first smooth and tropical brew on this Tour. Brewed with thousands of vine ripened Mangos, our Moon Dance Mango Wheat is hand-crafted to have an incredibly smooth texture which allows the vibrant, tropical mango flavour to shine through. Since we’re in the kitchen and you’re probably feeling snacky (who isn’t?), we suggest having some goat cheese and crackers with this brew! Now on to the next…

SECOND STOP: Living Room with Poolside Peach Tea Radler


Location: Living Room

Beer: Poolside Peach Tea Radler

ABV: 4.0%

Hops: Magnum

Malts: Pilsner, Wheat, Dextrapils, Flaked Oats

This is probably our favourite stop on this tour because it means you get to curl up on the couch. So, do just that - park it in the comfiest part of your couch and take a sip of this refreshing and crisp, simply steeped brew. Our Radler is a light and easy-drinking Golden Ale with a delicious blend of Stonefruit Tea. You’ll experience all the full flavours of an ice tea with just a hint of sweetness. This stop on the tour includes a little entertainment too, so kick back relax and tune into an episode of Tiger King with good ol’ Joe Exotic - just one episode though… we’ve got more beers to enjoy!

THIRD STOP: Home Office/Desk with Off Trail Pale Ale

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Location: Home Office/Desk

Beer: Off Trail Pale Ale

ABV: 5.0%

Hops: Cascade, Amaraillo

Malts: Pilsen, Crystal

Pull up a chair in your Home Office or Desk or wherever you usually sit with your laptop and start sipping on this hoppy Off Trail Pale Ale. With a generous heaping of Cascade and Amarillo hops, you’ll find this brew to be carefully balanced with malted barley and combined to deliver a refreshing Pale Ale. And we’re guessing you’re probably feeling snacky again… this one tastes best with a juicy burger and since you’re at your computer anyway, go ahead and place that Skip the Dishes order (even though you have over 2 weeks of groceries in your kitchen, we’ve all done it), we’ll wait… . Who’s ready for the next stop??

FOURTH STOP: Bathroom with Regional IPA Mixer

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Location: Bathroom

Beer: Regional IPA Mixer featuring:

North American Hazy IPA

New Zealand Hazy IPA

Central European Hazy IPA

South African Hazy IPA

ABV: 6.5%

Hops: See each IPA above!

Malts: Pilsner, Oats, Wheat, Dextrapils

This stop is special because it includes not one, not two, not three but FOUR IPAs! In the comfort of your own bathroom, you’ll be able to travel the globe, hitting North America, New Zealand, South Africa and Central Europe (aka Germany) without ever leaving your house! Here’s the deal with this tasting: each juicy, velvety and luscious IPA in this mix-pack features different hop varieties celebrating FOUR different regions giving each their own unique flavour profile. Now, you’re probably saying “enjoying four IPAs in the bathroom… that’s a bit much and a little odd?” (or you’re not and all the power to you), if that’s the case though, we suggest running a bath or a shower and taking part in a timeless activity that’s been around for years: “The Shower Beer” or “Bath Beer” - maybe just one of the IPAs though… we’ve got 2 more stops on this train!

FOURTH STOP: Bedroom paired with West Coast IPA


Location: Bedroom

Beer: West Coast IPA

ABV: 6.0%

Hops: Citra, Galaxy, Magnum

Malts: Pale, Crystal

Our fourth stop is the bedroom, where the magic happens… and by magic we mean beer tasting, get your head out of the gutter. Get comfy and take a sip of this bold and hoppy brew with all it’s goodness. We use a mountain of the much sought-after Citra and Galaxy hops and because of that, it boasts a huge hope flavour, but also a balanced drinkability. This is our fourth stop on the Tour and we’ve accomplished a lot, so feel free to take a little cat nap… Okay. Who’s ready for that last stop??

FINAL STOP: Kitchen (again) paired with Gin Fizz Citrus Sour

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Location: The Kitchen

Beer: Gin Fizz Citrus Sour

ABV: 5.5%

Hops: Cascade, Amarillo

Malts: Pilsner, Wheat, Dextrapils

We’re going full circle here and hitting the kitchen again for our fifth and final stop on this “At Home Tour & Tasting” with our crisp and light Gin Fizz Citrus Sour. Grabbing that same spot at your island or leaning against your counter for the second time, take a sip of our take on a Gin Fizz cocktail bursting with juicy botanical flavours. Juniper, Orange Peel and Coriander all come together with a bright citrus punch of squeezed Lemon, Cascade and Amarillo hops. This tour deserves an ending that’s crisp, light and refreshingly tart, so cheers to that!

Well that’s it friends! The Tour has officially come to an end. Thanks for following along, we hope you enjoyed it.

PS. If you don’t have all the beers or places in your house listed above or the opposite and you have more beers and more places, we encourage you to improvise and create your own pairings!