Beer Pairings for the Craft Beer Lovers

Craft Beer, Food, and Treats; is there a better trio? With Valentine’s Day upon us, we thought getting all three of them together would be a pretty great way to celebrate. Whether your plans are to binge on candy with friends, eat ice cream alone, or have a romantic meal with your main squeeze, we’ve got a beer for it. So “beer our Valentine” and indulge in one of these delightful pairings...

Knotty Blonde Ale & Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Get Knotty this Valentine’s Day by pairing chocolate covered strawberries and our crisp, clean and straightforward Knotty Blonde Ale. Chocolate covered strawberries have always been a romantic classic, and while they are often paired with champagne, we believe our Knotty Blonde Ale is a much better choice, leaving room for your palette to enjoy the full flavor of juicy strawberries and rich chocolate. 

Fraser Valley Lager & Figs

We’ll admit it, figs are a pretty obscure pairing to suggest for V-day. But hear us out… Figs have been largely associated with fertility, and ancient Greeks even had a rather, for lack of a better term, intimate ritual to celebrate the fig harvest season. So, it’s pretty easy to say that Figs are quite a bit “sexier” than people give them credit for! Pair these with our Fraser Valley Lager to balance out the sweetness of the fruit, and you’ve got yourself a match that even Cupid himself would approve of!  

Moon Dance Mango Wheat & Hershey's Kisses

Who doesn’t want their Valentine’s Day to be filled with dancing and kisses! Notes of Mango will do the tango on your taste-buds with our fruit Moon Dance Mango Wheat. Pairing our juiciest beer with the classic choice of Hershey’s Kisses allows you to enjoy the sweetness of both without it being too overpowering. Not that we think you could ever be too sweet ; ) 

West Coast IPA & Flowers 

What could possibly be better than flowers on Valentine’s Day? Why, Flowers and Craft Beer of course! With its very own floral bouquet of flavours, we thought our bold and hoppy West Coast IPA was the clear choice for this pairing - though we don’t actually suggest eating the flowers… our IPA is floral enough!

Off Trail Pale Ale & Fondue 

Valentine’s Day is cheesy, we know, but we wanted to make it even cheesier with this food pairing. Spend your evening dipping pumpernickel and other savoury snacks into a fountain flowing cheese and match it up with our perfectly balanced & refreshing Off Trail Pale Ale. This combo is so delicious, it’ll make you melt too! No fondue fountain? No Problem! You can also opt for our Off Trail Pale Ale Cheese dip recipe. Nothing says “I’m Fondue of you” like beer and cheese!

River Valley Amber & Cinnamon Hearts

If you’ve got a burning love for your sweetie, we suggest that the two of you spice up your evening by coupling our River Valley Amber with the ever-so-classic cinnamon hearts. This pair will create a sipping experience that is as unique as your love for each other *audience aws*. The cinnamon complements the malt & caramel of our Amber so nicely, you’ll wish it was Valentine’s Day, Everyday!

Sasquatch Stout & Oysters

We’re sure you we’re expecting to see Oysters on our list, but we wouldn’t blame you for raising an eyebrow when we suggest that you team them up with our award-winning Sasquatch Stout. When it comes to culinary science (#science), they make a lot more sense than you would expect. When paired together, the saltiness of the Oyster and the richness of roast and chocolate will be enhanced, complimenting the bitterness and leaving you a smooth, and “sensual” finish. Not to mention that Oysters, Chocolate and Coffee are all considered, you guessed it, Aphrodisiacs.

Irish Cream Imperial Stout & Vanilla Ice Cream

Not all these pairings were made for lovers, we’ve got you covered if you’re your own Valentine with our Irish Cream Imperial Stout paired perfectly with Vanilla Ice Cream (preferably a whole tub of it!). What was once plain vanilla ice cream will now be complimented by rich notes of chocolate and coffee, even more smooth and sweet! So, grab yourself a spoon and throw on a sappy rom-com (or a horror movie, whatever suits you) and enjoy.

Himalayan Salted Caramel Porter & Chocolate Cupcakes

Every “kiss begins with Cake”, that’s the slogan right? Well we’re making it one with Chocolate, Salted Caramel and Cake. Though our Himalayan Salted Caramel Porter is already malty, rich and delicious, we suggest going all out with this pairing if you’ve got a sugar craving that you just can’t satisfy. Is there really a better day to totally binge out on chocolate? We didn’t think so! 

Cold Brew Black Lager & Creme Brule

As one of our Trailblazers, you’re going to want to enjoy this limited release while you still can, so pair it with Crème Brule this Valentine’s Day and you won’t be sorry. The espresso character in our Cold Brew Black Lager provide a sweet, dark chocolate, caramel and apple profile which pair perfectly with the vanilla in this silky smooth dessert. Say “be mine” this Valentine’s Day with this sweet pairing!

Beer & More Beer

If for some reason you don’t fancy any of these pairings, you can always stick to the star of our show: beer! Spice it up on Valentine’s Day with our Craft Cooler variety pack because showing someone you love them is easy with beer!