5th annual Old Yale Sock Drive

Can you spare a pair?


We’re running our 5th annual Old Yale Sock Drive in the Tasting Room from now until December 22 and you have the chance to win a pretty awesome prize!!

Socks are one of the most requested items at homeless shelters, yet we often don’t think to donate them. From December 1 - 22, we’ll be collecting sock donations on behalf of Ruth & Naomi’s Mission. For EVERY pair of NEW socks you donate, you’ll be entered to win a $150 Old Yale gift card!

PLUS, for EVERY single pair of socks we receive, Old Yale will be matching with a pair of socks!


Donations and contesting period: December 1 - 22, 2020. We’ll randomly draw our lucky winner on January 6, 2021. Must be 19+ to enter. No purchase necessary: to enter without making a donation, take a photo in the OYB Tasting Room and upload it to Facebook & Instagram, tag Old Yale and use the hashtag #OYBSpareAPair. Good luck, friends!