
How to Spend a Rainy Day in Chilliwack

How to Spend a Rainy Day in Chilliwack

We’re bound to expect LOTS of rainy days living in the Fraser Valley Region, it’s kind of unavoidable… and at times can be quite gloomy. BUT on the bright side, it’s with all that rain we are able to experience the beautiful & lush greenery that surrounds us!

If we waited for the sun to come out to enjoy the great outdoors, we’d sure waste a lot of time tucked away inside. Although a warm day in PJ’s at home sounds pretty inviting, we must find time to get out there and appreciate the beauty of a rainy day in Chilliwack! After all, we are SO lucky to have tons of local business & artisans around to explore & keep ourselves busy during these wet days… and we’re all about the local love at Old Yale!

So put on your rain gear, we’ve got you covered with some ideas to help make the most out of day!!

Trails to Blaze in 2022

Trails to Blaze in 2022

Spring is just around the corner! For us, that means dusting off our ol' hiking boots and blazing some awesome trails in the wonderful Fraser Valley! And YOU KNOW you’ll find us with a much deserved beer in hand at the end of any adventure! Beer just taste better outside…it just does.

So get ready friends, because 2022 is the year to explore & we’ve put together a list of some our favourite (just to name a few) local hikes to get you outdoors!