Surviving the Holiday Limbo: Christmas Trivia to Keep the Spirits Bright

Ah, the weird limbo time between Christmas and New Year’s. You know the one: when you’re not quite sure what day it is, your fridge is filled with leftovers, and the idea of putting on pants feels… unnecessary. But don’t let the post-holiday haze steal your sparkle—this is the perfect time to gather your crew (or just the family members who aren’t driving you nuts) and dive into a little friendly competition.

Introducing Old Yale’s Christmas Trivia - Whether you’re one of the few who missed out on our holiday-themed trivia nights (no judgment, but really?!), or one of the many who joined in the fun, we’ve got you covered. Play along at home and see if your friends can keep up with your trivia skills—or maybe outshine you entirely. Game on!

How to Play

  • Gather Your People: Your loud cousins, your wine-loving besties, or even your pet (hey, no judgment).

  • Grab Some Drinks: Beers, eggnog, wine, hot cocoa, or whatever’s left over from the Christmas cocktail stash. Bonus points if you still have a questionable fruitcake on the table.

  • Choose a Quizmaster: Someone who loves being the center of attention (every group has one).

  • Get Feisty: Because what’s Christmas trivia without a little trash talk?

The Rules

  1. Questions will cover everything from classic Christmas movies to random festive facts—so be ready for some curveballs.

  2. No Googling! This is a game of brains, not broadband. 😉

  3. Points can be awarded for creativity if you don’t know the answer but come up with something hilariously festive.

  4. Loser has to take down the Christmas lights (we don’t make the rules—oh wait, we do).

christmas general knowledge trivia questions:

Category 1: Christmas General

  1. What was Frosty the Snowman’s Nose made out of?

  2. “Twas the Night Before Christmas” was originally published under what name?

  3. In the Twelve Days of Christmas, what are there 11 of?

  4. What do children typically get in their stockings if they’re on the Naughty list?

  5. What phrase made popular in the book “A Christmas Carol” expresses annoyance with cherry holiday celebrations?

  6. In North America, over 2 billion of what are sent each year at Christmastime?

  7. How many reindeer are featured in the poem “Twas’ the Night before Christmas”?

  8. In the TV speical “How the Grinch Store Christmas” what three words best describe the Grinch?

  9. The song “Jingle Bells” was originally written to celebrate what holiday?

  10. In North America, wild reindeer are referred to as what?

Category 2: Festive Foods

  1. In which country is eggnog believed to have originated?

  2. What much-reviled Christmas edible is known for it’s long shelf life?

  3. What holiday goodies were shaped to resemble a shepherd’s staff?

  4. In the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, what type of pudding is called for?

  5. What’s the name of the hot spiced cider that’s a yuletide tradition for many?

  6. What fruit is customarily placed in Christmas stockings?

  7. Which historical figure initiated the tradition of eating turkey at Christmas?

  8. What is Bûche de Noel?

  9. What type of sweet pie is traditionally eaten in the UK during Christmas?

  10. What is the name of the traditional holiday drink made of wine and spices and served warm?

Category 3: Christmas Around the World

  1. According to the folklore of Austria and other countries, what horned figure punishes naughty children at Christmas?

  2. What figure from English folklore came to be associated with Sana Claus?

  3. “Mele Kalikimaka” means “Merry Christmas” in which language?

  4. In what modern-day country was Saint Nicholas born?

  5. In Bolivia, what animal is commonly brought to attend mass on Christmas eve?

  6. What word for the Christmas season derives from an ancient Germanic pagan holiday?

  7. What environmentalist US president banned Christmas trees at the White House?

  8. The charity Toys for Tots is run by the reserve force for what branch of the US military?

  9. In what country do people celebrate Christmas by eating chicken from KFC?

  10. What country annual donates a Christmas tree to London’s Trafalgar Square?

Category 4: Decorations & Toys

  1. Per a resent holiday fad, what “spy” hides around the house, reporting back to Santa on who has been naughty and nice?

  2. In the early 1800s, the first gingerbread houses were reportedly inspired by which famous fairy tale?

  3. What traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?

  4. What Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver?

  5. In 1996, what toy with origins in Sesame Street was a sensation at Christmastime?

  6. Name the animatronic cassette-playing bear toy that every kid wanted for Christmas in the mid-80s?

  7. What brand of scooter was a must-have Christmas gift for children in the year 2000?

  8. In one tradition, an ornament shaped like what food item is hidden on the Christmas tree?

  9. What type of calendar is used to countdown to Christmas?

  10. Pointsettias are native to which country?

Category 5: Holiday History

  1. What Christmas-themed ballet premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1892?

  2. The first artificial Christmas tree was made in the 19th century using the feathers of what bird?

  3. What beverage company has been using Santa Claus in its advertising since 1931?

  4. A booklet printed by Montgomery Ward in 1939 featured the first appearance of what believed Christmas character?

  5. The celebrated “Christmas Truce” temporarily halted fighting during what war?

  6. In 1955, a wrong number call from a young boy asking about Santa Claus led to the launch of which Santa-tracker?

  7. What famous Christian reformer is credited with being the first person to put lights on a Christmas tree?

  8. According to legend, the tradition of hanging stockings dates back to Saint Nicholas. What were the first stocking stuffers?

  9. Who wrote A Christmas Carol in 1843?

  10. Which ancient roman holiday is said to have inspired many modern Christmas traditions?

christmas general knowledge trivia answers:

Category 1:

  1. A button

  2. A visit from St. Nicolas

  3. Pipers piping

  4. A lump of coal

  5. Bah humbug!

  6. Christmas Cards

  7. Eight (no Rudolph)

  8. Stink, stank, stunk

  9. Thanksgiving

  10. Caribou

Category 2:

  1. England

  2. Fruitcake

  3. Candy Canes

  4. Figgy pudding

  5. Wassail

  6. An orange

  7. King Henry VIII

  8. A traditional French yule log cake

  9. Mince Pie

  10. Mulled Wine

Category 3:

  1. Krampus

  2. Father Christmas

  3. Hawaiian

  4. Turkey

  5. Llamas

  6. Yuletide (or Yule)

  7. President Theodore Roosevelt

  8. Marines

  9. Japan

  10. Norway

Category 4:

  1. Elf on the Shelf

  2. Hansel and Gretel

  3. Mistletoe

  4. Tinsel

  5. Tickle Me Elmo

  6. Teddy Ruxpin

  7. Razor

  8. A Pickle

  9. Advent Calendar

  10. Mexico

Category 5:

  1. The Nutcracker

  2. Goose

  3. Coca Cola

  4. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

  5. World War 1

  6. NORAD

  7. Martin Luther

  8. Gold Coins

  9. Charles Dickens

  10. Saturnalia

Thanks for playing friends, check out the rest of our Christmas Trivia games here:

Christmas Movie Trivia

Christmas Music Trivia

Not Technically a Christmas Movie Trivia


Surviving the Holiday Limbo: Christmas movie Trivia to to Keep the Popcorn Poppin’


Surviving the Holiday Limbo: not technically a Christmas movie trivia to truly settle the debate