Old Yale's Holiday Donation Program

‘Tis the Season to spread holiday cheer by giving back!!

Old Yale Brewing is very fortunate and so proud to be able to spread extra holiday cheer through our 4th annual Holiday Donation Program. Over the past few years, we’ve supported some amazing non-profit organizations in our community, and we’re thrilled to be back at it again!

This year, we worked with 5 schools in our community to provide Christmas presents for over 60 children AND we worked with a great local program called Adopt a Senior in Chilliwack to provide Christmas presents and personalized gifts for 40 local seniors.

Our Team has spent the last week or so, shopping for toys, clothes, treats, personal care items and more AND then they spent A LOT of time wrapping them all up (SO MUCH WRAPPING (santa emoji))to make this Holiday Season as joyful as possible for these families and seniors, and we could not be more proud of them! Way to go Team OYB… aka Old Yale Elves.

We hope that by sharing this, we’re pulling on those heartstrings of yours and inspiring you to give back and spread some joy of your own in any way you can this Holiday Season, whether that’s “adopting” a Senior or Family of your own, donating to a local non-profit organization, dropping off your gently used winter clothing to a local shelter or non-perishable food to a food bank OR something as simple as baking some cookies for your neighbour, giving a bigger tip than usual to your favourite server or paying it forward at your favourite local brewery (cough cough) by buying a beer for the person behind you. Spread some extra joy, this Holiday Season, however you can!

Happy Holidays friends,

-Team OYB!